How To Write A Book Description That Sells With Examples
It’s helpful to have some sense of symmetry or balance within the series. A series description is a one or two line description of your story designed to quickly grab a reader’s attention. Think of a book with only one chapter or a film that ends after overwatch guide the first scene.
Explain exactly what the book is about, in clear, obvious terms. Just like a great cover design captures your eye immediately, every good book description you see is interesting from the first line. Remember, people are looking for a reason to not buy your book, so having a good back cover description is key to keeping them on the purchasing track.
Leave no character unexamined
Consider your series outline as listing the main objective you want to accomplish for each book. Just as each book will have an arc, your series will also have one. I don’t know if people turn to mysteries as they get older. I think there’s something about that escaping into a world that even though there’s a murder and there’s a mystery, you still feel safe there. And if you like those characters, you want to come back to it.
Series work in just about every genre (and can even work in non-fiction, too!), and I have found and seen them to be the single most valuable tool in growing an author’s career and income. Writing a series of novels takes things to a whole new level. A great photo series builds momentum, layering meaning and emotion across multiple images. Consider Alec Soth’s Sleeping by the Mississippi, where each frame contributes to a larger meditation on Americana and wanderlust.
What does a reader need to know (ie. not just ‘a team’ but ‘a hockey team’). Maintain a proper chronology/sequenceSometimes, you may get so caught up in making your work colorful and creative that you may end up having a mash-up of descriptions that follow no particular order. This will render the effort of writing useless as the various descriptions will simply confuse the reader. Descriptive writing is about using the power of words to arouse the imagination, capture the attention, and create a lasting impact in the mind of the reader. In this article, you’ll learn how to employ descriptive elements in your writing, tips to enhance your descriptive writing skills, and some exercises to better yourself at it. Keep in mind that if you’re a discovery writer you can’t insert any delicious titbits into earlier books—unless they’re not yet published.
Template 1: Self-improvement podcast
Federico Clavarino’s Italia O Italia is another example – its sequencing forms a fragmented yet cohesive vision of Italy, where each image gains strength from its placement within the series. Easily create high-end podcasts remotely with’s podcast recording, editing, and transcription software. Whatever the case, mentioning these in your description can help you attract the right people. A dull description can have listeners scrolling right past your show, no matter how good it is.
It is always written as someone else describing your book to potential customers. You don’t want anyone to struggle to comprehend what you’re trying to convey because you’ve strung too many ideas together in one long run-on sentence. So many authors want to put everything about their book in this section. Resist that urge (you can do that with book blurbs, which are a different thing).
Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ll begin to see patterns of transformation forming. These will go hand-in-hand with your plot to form the foundation on which your series is based. Not all of this information will be included in the actual story, but it’s vital for you as the author to know your characters inside out so you can write them effectively and realistically. Themes can also encourage readers to think about aspects of the world they hadn’t previously considered, especially if they’re sustained over an entire series.
In this scenario, readers relish each book on its own, and the main connection between the volumes isn’t one ongoing storyline, but the static lead character. Think of mystery novels — there is always an eccentric, outstanding investigator who acts as an anchor for the entire series. In terms of characters, a Dynamic Series can follow one protagonist all the way through, or there can be a cast of characters that are followed throughout the entire story. These main characters will often experience major growth and transformation over the course of the series. Perhaps create a document for each of these elements and use it to collate your notes before you start writing in earnest.
Choose the type of series you want to write.
But it’s interesting because, of course, you mentioned the mystery series is very much similar in that people often want to see the same detective over and over. As long as you can keep coming up with problems that need to be solved, mysteries that need to be solved, murders that need to be solved, things like that, you can keep going. And that last type has been most successful for me and it really fits with the mystery genre expectations. So it’s a nice blend of what I like and what the readers expect. He said, ‘Okay, go for it.’ Because he knew that I wanted to do that. And I just carved out little bits of time when they were napping or in preschool and started working on a book and I went to writers conferences.
And I think that’s the appeal of a cozy mystery or a historical, and you’re escaping to another time, where they don’t have cell phones, 24-hour news cycles, and things like that. I definitely think indie authors have more ease of use here because we can change things up and even change the whole series. So, definitely, the cover is an important part of marketing. She has a complete story that she gets involved in this mystery and solves the mystery. But then at the end of that, there are more clues, more things related to her mother that she’s still searching for. So a search or a quest type thing could go across several books.
It uses advanced AI technology to automatically transcribe your recordings, then uses the transcript to build show notes, summaries, and chapters in a click. These can serve as a foundation for your podcast description, which you can further customize to align with your brand’s voice and style. By including specific terms that potential listeners might use when searching for a podcast, you increase the likelihood of your podcast getting found on these directories.